Should I feed a baby squirrel I found?

When you find baby squirrels that have not been with their mother for some time, they will be suffering from dehydration and chill. They have to be warmed first, and even when you see that they are starving, they have to be given a warmed rehydration solution and then be given a milk formula afterwards. When the animal is dehydrated, it will not be able to digest the food, and if they are given something other than the rehydration solution, they may die. There is a rehydration solution that is made for human babies, and it is available at drug stores. You should look for the unflavored ones to use for wildlife babies. It has to be heated to reach the body temperature and it should be offered to the animal frequently. You can make a homemade rehydration solution by mixing sugar, salt and water at the right measurement.

While feeding an orphaned squirrel, you have to control how much fluid that it drinks, but it is not possible to do so using a nursing bottle and the squirrel may not be able to nurse using them. You should use an elongated feeding nipple that has to be pushed at the end of a syringe. At first, the baby may be too hungry, and it can be difficult for it to drink a small amount of fluids. This may put it at risk of inhaling the fluid in the lungs, and this has to be avoided. You have to be careful and drip a small amount of the rehydration fluid in the mouth.

When it comes to giving milk to the baby squirrel, ensure that you get the solution designed for pets only. It is good to get a powered product and not a liquid, and ensure that it is kept refrigerated after opening.

You should not use a human baby formula, soymilk, or the milk of a goat or cow to feed the baby squirrel. This may cause severe dehydration and diarrhea that can lead to death or malnutrition.

The formula you give to the baby squirrel has to be warmer compared to their body temperature since it can cool down quickly when it is in a syringe. There are times that the baby squirrel may refuse to drink the milk when they do not like its temperature. The baby squirrel should be fed based on its weight in grams.

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Should I feed a baby squirrel I found?